Holmes List News

Welcome Gorica Care & David Ng

Gorica & David

We are delighted to welcome Gorica Care & David Ng to our List.

Gorica Care practices in all areas of family law and family violence intervention order proceedings. She brings over a decade of experience as a solicitor advocate, and regularly practices in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia. Gorica appears on behalf of individual parties and on behalf of the Independent Children’s Lawyer.

Prior to coming to the Bar, Gorica worked as Associate in House Counsel at Victoria Legal Aid, appearing as Counsel in Family and Children’s Law. She has attained her Independent Children’s Lawyer (ICL) accreditation.

Gorica has conducted matters of various complexity in family law (property and children), family violence intervention orders and criminal law.  She has cultivated relationships with various stakeholders including family violence support services such as Berry Street, Orange Door, and Men’s Behavioural Change service providers.

Gorica is reading with Ek Taghdir. Her senior mentor is Helen Dellidis SC.

Gorica is fluent in Serbian and Croatian.

David Ng has practiced primarily in family law since his admission to the legal profession in 2012.

Before being called to the Bar, David was a senior lawyer at a private law firm where he conducted a wide range of parenting and property matters as well as intervention order matters.

David has considerable experience as a solicitor-advocate and has appeared frequently in interim and final hearings in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (and its predecessors) and the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria.

Unreported matters in which David has appeared include:

David holds a master’s degree in applied law (majoring in family law and civil litigation) and a combined bachelor’s degree in law and commerce from the University of Melbourne. In addition to family law David has experience in civil and commercial litigation and summary crime.

David is reading with Dr Robin Smith. His senior mentor is Michael Stanton SC.

To engage Gorica or David, contact our clerking team on 03 9225 6444 or email us at: holmeslist@vicbar.com.au


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