Holmes List News

Welcome Adrian Dean


We are delighted to advise Adrian Dean has accepted our invitation to join our list. Upon his successful completion of the Readers’ Course, Adrian will sign the Bar Roll on Thursday 19 October 2023.

Adrian will accept briefs to appear and advise in all areas of family law and related jurisdictions (including intervention orders) in local, regional and interstate courts.

Before commencing the Readers’ Course, Adrian was a Senior Associate at Heinz Law, practising exclusively in family law. Adrian has extensive experience in complex property and parenting matters and regularly appeared as a solicitor advocate in court and mediations.

Adrian is reading with Chris Nehmy. His Senior Mentor is Minal Vohra S.C.

To enquire about Adrian’s availability or to make a booking contact our clerking team on 03 9225 6444 or email us at: holmeslist@vicbar.com.au

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