Holmes List News

Robert Taylor – Preeminent Workplace Health and Safety Barrister in Doyle’s Guide for Victoria 2023

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Congratulations to list member Robert Taylor for being ranked as a Preeminent Workplace Health and Safety Barrister in Doyle’s Guide for Victoria 2023.

Robert practices in a range of areas that have as a common theme the regulation and control of Industries and Corporations. He has been involved in advising significant investigations for various regulatory bodies. Cases of significance have included the representation of multinationals and government agencies involved in environmental incidents and shipping collisions involving loss of life at sea.

Robert has appeared for the Chief Commissioner of Police in Coronial proceedings involving deaths in custody and police shootings and high-speed pursuits. He has also acted for individual police in similar circumstances.

Robert has successfully defended companies charged with Occupational Health & Safety matters and continues to advise a range of organisations in this regard. The types of matters Robert handles have involved significant preparation for Court and ongoing long-term advice to agencies and investigators.

Prior to joining the Bar, Robert worked at the Victorian Government Solicitor’s Office and as a Police Prosecutor and instructor on the Police Prosecutor’s Course. Robert is a past member of the Victorian Bar Readers’ Course. He also has been involved in the presentation of legal training on a voluntary basis to members of the Attorney-General’s Department and Director of Public Prosecutions staff in Papua New Guinea.

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