Ryan Hartshorne
E: ryan.hartshorne@vicbar.com.au
Chamber: Room 0915, Owen Dixon Chambers East, 205 William Street, MELBOURNE, VIC 3000, AUSTRALIA
Admitted: 09/08/2016
Called to Bar: 24/10/2019
Date Appointed Silk:
Qualifications: B.Ex.Sc, LL.B (Hons), Grad Cert (Prosecutions), GDLP, MBA.


Ryan Hartshorne accepts briefs in all criminal, disciplinary and quasi-criminal matters in metropolitan and regional courts.  

Since coming to the Bar, Ryan appears regularly in contested hearings, bail applications, committal hearings, guilty pleas and appeals. He appears for all summary and indictable matters in the Magistrates’ Court and County Court. He previously worked as a Prosecutor for Victoria Police and as a Corporate Legal Counsel.

Ryan has extensive experience in Intervention Orders. He appears frequently for Intervention Order applications and has particular strength in negotiating conditions to achieve the best possible outcome for clients. Ryan appears for Applicants and Respondents in Family Violence and Personal Safety applications, including applications made by Victoria Police. He also appears in the County Court for Intervention Order appeal hearings.

Ryan accepts requests to provide representation in Sports Tribunal proceedings in both amateur and professional sport. He invites opportunities from sporting bodies to sit on tribunal and integrity proceedings and can provide expertise as an independent investigator.

Ryan spent 17 years in Victoria Police, primarily as a Search & Rescue Specialist and was previously involved with the Health and Sport Science Industry.

Ryan read with David Cronin.



Practice Areas

Criminal Appeals,
Criminal Appellate,Domestic and Family Violence,Drugs,Environmental and Planning Offences,Extradition,Fraud,Juvenile Justice,Mental Illness,Proceeds of Crime or Money Laundering,Property Offences and Theft or Robbery or Burglary,Sexual Assault,Traffic,Victims of Crime,White Collar and Corporate Crime,Work Health and Safety,
Family Provision,Guardianship and Administration,Powers of Attorney,
Family Law and Guardianship
Care and Protection,Parenting Orders,Property,
Inquests Inquiries
Coronial Inquests,
Public Administrative
Corruption,Disciplinary Proceedings,Proceeds of Crime,
Sports Law
Disciplinary Tribunals,Doping or Drugs in Sports,Racing Appeals,The Court of Arbitration for Sport,


Ryan Hartshorne

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