Robin Smith
P: +61 3 9225 6444
Chamber: Room 0722, Owen Dixon Chambers East, 205 William Street, MELBOURNE, VIC 3000, AUSTRALIA
Admitted: 14/08/2007
Called to Bar: 19/11/2009
Date Appointed Silk:
Qualifications: BA LLB SJD


Robin specialises in family law matters with complex questions of law, including matters with issues related to bankruptcy, equity, trusts, and third party disputes. He regularly appears in court for pre-trial hearings, final hearings, and appeals. He has an extensive appeals practice. In both 2021 and 2022, he appeared more frequently in the family law appellate jurisdiction than any other member of counsel in Australia.

Robin has co-authored one of the leading text books on family law, Family Law (7th ed) (more details can be found here).

Robin has a particular interest in international law and holds a doctoral degree from Monash University specialising in this area. Robin has appeared and provided advice in relation to both the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction and the Hague Convention on Parental Responsibility and Protection of Children. He has also appeared and provided advice in relation to conflict of laws matters with issues related to multiple jurisdictions and concurrent proceedings. Robin has worked for the United Nations at a war crimes tribunal in The Hague.

Prior to coming to the bar, Robin was an associate at the Federal Magistrates Court and a solicitor in a boutique commercial and construction law firm, practicing in both litigious and non-litigious matters. Robin has been a sessional teaching associate at the Faculty of Law at Monash University teaching administrative law and evidence.

Robin is currently the Victorian Bar representative on the executive of the Family Law Section of the Law Council of Australia. He is also a fellow of the International Academy of Family Lawyers and a member of the Victorian Family Law, Commercial, and Military Law bar associations. In 2020/2021, he was an Assistant Honorary Secretary to the Victorian Bar Council. In 2021/2022, he was a member of the Victorian Bar Council. In 2023, he was a member of the Ethics Committee.

Robin accepts briefs to appear and provide written advice in all matters relating to family law (including child support).

Notable Cases

Xin & Qinlang (No 6) [2024] FedCFamC1F 8

Eastley & Eastley [2023] FedCFamC1F 876

Yarrow & Yarrow (No 3) [2023] FedCFamC1A 137; (2023) FLC 94-155

Vu & Ton (No 4) [2022] FedCFamC1F 668

Eastley & Eastley [2022] FedCFamC1A 101; (2022) FLC 94-094

Norris & Matthews [2022] FedCFamC1A 30

Moy & Pao [2022] FedCFamC1A 17; (2022) FLC 94-073

Sterling & Sterling [2022] FedCFamC1A 3; (2022) FLC 94-070

Roverati & Roverati [2021] FamCAFC 89; (2021) FLC 94-027

Benson & Drury [2020] FamCAFC 303; (2020) FLC 93-998; (2020) 62 Fam LR 1

Scriven & Scriven [2020] FamCAFC 236; (2020) FLC 93-988

Fitzmaurice & Woolridge [2020] FamCAFC 64; (2020) FLC 93-951

Christou & Christou [2020] FamCA 568

Toscani & Toscani [2020] FamCA 5 (as junior)

State Central Authority & Macnevin [2019] FamCA 961

Graham & Squibb [2019] FamCAFC 33; (2019) FLC 93-892 (as junior)

Eames & Eames [2018] FamCAFC 204;  (2018) FLC 93-866; (2018) 340 FLR 148

Neville and Coach (Child support) [2018] AATA 3292

Pencious & Searle [2017] FamCAFC 210; (2017) FLC 93-805

Bernieres and Anor & Dhopal and Anor [2017] FamCAFC 180; (2017) FLC 93-793; (2017) 57 Fam LR 149 – media coverage can be found here and here

Webster & Downer and Anor [2016] FamCA 822

Ledarn & Ledarn [2015] FamCAFC 220 (as junior)

Claughton & Northey [2015] FamCAFC 213

Mordon & Paul [2014] FamCAFC 222

Carrick [2013] FamCA 1118

Polec & Staker & Anor (SSAT Appeal) [2011] FMCAfam 959; (2011) 253 FLR 339



Practice Areas

Alternative Dispute Resolution
Family Law and Guardianship
Parenting Orders,Property,
Inquests Inquiries
Commissions or Tribunals and Other Inquiries,
Private International Law,
Public Administrative
Constitutional Law,Extradition,Judicial Review and Administrative Law,


Robin Smith

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