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Katrina Hartman
E: katrina.hartman@vicbar.com.au
M: 03 9225 6444
Admitted: 20/05/2013
Called to Bar: 05/05/2022
Date Appointed Silk:
Qualifications: Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (First Class Honours)


Katrina accepts briefs in all areas of criminal law and quasi-criminal law in metropolitan and regional courts. She became an Accredited Specialist in Criminal Law with the Law Institute of Victoria in 2020.

Katrina is an experienced advocate and has appeared in a broad range of summary, indictable and appellate matters in the Magistrates’, Children’s, and County Court jurisdictions.  

Prior to coming to the Bar, Katrina worked as a Deputy Managing Lawyer at Victoria Legal Aid, where she appeared in court daily.

She commenced her career in private practice in South Australia before moving to Victoria in 2016.  Katrina worked in private practice in Victoria before joining Victoria Legal Aid as a Senior Solicitor in 2020.

In addition to extensive appearance work, Katrina maintained a high case load of summary and indictable matters and worked on a wide variety of matters including homicides, serious assaults, serious sex offences, drug related offences and matters arising under the Crimes (Mental Impairment and Unfitness to be Tried) Act 1997.

Katrina graduated from Flinders University of South Australia in 2013 with a Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice with First Class Honours.


Katrina is reading with Tim Marsh and her senior mentor is Sally Flynn QC.



Practice Areas

Criminal Appeals,
Crimes Against the Person,Criminal Appellate,Domestic and Family Violence,Drugs,Environmental and Planning Offences,Fraud,Juvenile Justice,Property Offences and Theft or Robbery or Burglary,Sexual Assault,Traffic,White Collar and Corporate Crime,Work Health and Safety,


Katrina Hartman

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