Emma Strugnell Barrister
Emma Strugnell
E: estrugnell@vicbar.com.au
Admitted: 19/02/2014
Called to Bar: 25/10/2018
Date Appointed Silk:
Qualifications: LLM Juris Doctor – Monash University, BSc/BA (First Class Honours) – University of Melbourne, Doctor of Philosophy (History) – University of Melbourne


Emma has extensive experience as an advocate in summary and indictable crime. She practices in all areas of criminal law and appears in all jurisdictions. Emma read with Megan Tittensor and her Senior Mentor was Peter Morrissey SC.

Prior to coming to the Bar, Emma worked as a Senior Criminal Lawyer at Victoria Legal Aid. She has worked at the Broadmeadows, Dandenong and Ringwood offices, as well as appearing in indictable matters at Magistrates’ and County Courts. Prior to joining Victoria Legal Aid, Emma volunteered at James Dowsley and Associates, Victoria Legal Aid, and the Peninsula Community Legal Centre.

Emma regularly appears in the County Court for indictable bail applications, plea hearings, appeals against conviction, and appeals against conviction and sentence. She has also appeared in the Court of Appeal and Coroners Court.

Emma holds an Indictable Crime Certificate and is on the VLA Preferred Trial Barrister List. She was previously selected to participate in VLA’s Trial Counsel Development Program (2020/2021).

Emma also holds undergraduate degrees in Arts (First Class Hons) and Science, where she majored in History, Classics and Pharmacology. In addition, she holds a Doctorate in History.

Email: estrugnell@vicbar.com.au


Emma has extensive experience as an advocate in summary and indictable crime. She practices in all areas of criminal law and appears in all jurisdictions. 

Emma regularly appears in plea hearings, contested bail applications in the Magistrates’ Court and County Court, and has prepared and been involved in number of successful Supreme Court Bail Applications. She has also appeared and instructed in contested summary hearings and contested committal proceedings, and matters arising under the Crimes (Mental Impairment and Unfitness to be Tried) Act. She has instructed in County Court trials.

Prior to coming to the Bar, Emma worked as a Senior Criminal Lawyer at Victoria Legal Aid. She has worked at the Broadmeadows, Dandenong and Ringwood offices, as well as appearing in indictable matters at Magistrates’ and County Courts. Prior to joining Victoria Legal Aid, Emma volunteered at James Dowsley and Associates, Victoria Legal Aid’s Frankston Office, and the Peninsula Community Legal Centre. 

In addition to a post-graduate degree in Law, Emma also holds undergraduate degrees in Arts (First Class Hons) and Science, where she majored in history classics and pharmacology. In addition, she holds a Doctorate in History.

She also accepts briefs in intervention order matters, quasi-criminal matters, including coronial inquests, disciplinary tribunals, investigations and Royal Commissions.

Emma read with Megan Tittensor and her Senior Mentor is Peter Morrissey SC.

 Emma does not accept direct access briefs.




Practice Areas

Crimes Against the Person,Criminal Appellate,Domestic and Family Violence,Drugs,Fraud,Juvenile Justice,Mental Illness,Property Offences and Theft or Robbery or Burglary,Sexual Assault,Traffic,Victims of Crime,
Inquests Inquiries
Coronial Inquests,
Public Administrative
Proceeds of Crime,

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