Carly accepts briefs to appear in, and advise on, matters involving all aspects of family law and related jurisdictions (including Intervention Order matters). She accepts briefs to appear at both local and interstate registries, to undertake regional and circuit work, mediations and paperwork.
As a solicitor, Carly gained extensive experience in various aspects of family law including complex parenting matters including relocation, sexual abuse allegations and family violence, and property matters including farming disputes, spousal maintenance, inheritances and injunctions. Carly regularly appeared as a solicitor advocate both in Court and at mediations.
Carly has significant experience in matters involving family violence and has successfully appealed a final Family Violence Intervention Order in the County Court of Australia at Melbourne.
Carly is a member of the Family Law Section of the Law Council of Australia, Law Institute of Victoria (LIV), the Family Law Bar Association and the Women Barristers Bar Association. She holds a Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Arts and a Masters of Applied Law (Family Law).
Carly read with Chris Nehmy and her Senior Mentor was Timothy North SC.