Alexander Albert

Chamber: Room 0617, Owen Dixon Chambers East, 205 William Street, MELBOURNE, VIC 3000, AUSTRALIA
Admitted: 01/11/1978
Called to Bar: 23/12/1992
Qualifications: B.Sc., B.Law (Hons)



Alex Albert practices in –

  • criminal law, including quasi-criminal/regulatory proceedings over many areas – environment protection, animal cruelty, agriculture, conservation, mining, health, local government, drugs and poisons, weights and measures etc. He appears in all forms of criminal proceedings – summary hearings, committals, jury trials, appeals.
  • administrative law – in the main professional/occupational/industry/recreational discipline and licensing. He appears in tribunals and appeals/reviews from the tribunals. The forum for most of those matters is VCAT with appeals to the Supreme Court.

He –

  • has also practised in torts involving government and statutory bodies and has been involved with native title.
  • commenced practising mainly as an advocate from 1984. He came to the Bar in 1992.



Practice Areas

Criminal Appellate,Environmental and Planning Offences,
Public Administrative
Disciplinary Proceedings,Judicial Review and Administrative Law,Merits Review,Proceeds of Crime,


Alexander Albert

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