Adrian accepts briefs to appear and advise in family law and related jurisdictions (including intervention orders and children’s court, family division matters) in local, regional and interstate courts. Adrian regularly undertakes regional circuit work.
Before coming to the Bar, Adrian was a Senior Associate at Heinz Law, practising in family law. Adrian has extensive experience in complex property and parenting matters and regularly appeared as a solicitor advocate in court and mediations.
Adrian has lectured in Land Law and Property Law at Monash University and Deakin University and is currently a sessional academic at Monash Law School. He holds a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Laws (Honours), Master of Business Administration, and Master of Laws degrees from the University of Melbourne. He also holds a Graduate Certificate in Family Law from the College of Law.
Adrian is a member of the Family Law Bar Association, the Law Institute of Victoria and the Family Law Section of the Law Council of Australia.
Adrian read with Chris Nehmy S.C. His Senior Mentor is Minal Vohra S.C.